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各位旅客:本次列车是由长春开往到吉林方向去的D5011次列车,在本站开车的时间是6点50分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5011 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D5011departs from Changchun and is bound for Jilin. The departure time is 06: 50 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由吉林开往到长春方向去的D5012次列车,在本站开车的时间是6点50分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5012 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D5012departs from Jilin and is bound for Changchun. The departure time is 06: 50 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由长春开往到吉林方向去的D5011次列车,途经龙嘉站。全程走行111千米,运行32分,到达龙嘉站的时间是6点59分, 终到吉林站的时间是7点22分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5011 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D5011 from Changchun to Jilin, passing through Longjia Station. Our trip will take 32minutes covering a distance of 111km and is due to arrive at Longjia Railway Station at 6:59, finally Jilin Railway Station at 7: 22. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由吉林开往到长春方向去的D5012次列车,途经龙嘉站。全程走行111千米,运行32分,到达龙嘉站的时间是7点11分, 终到长春站的时间是7点22分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5012after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D5012 from Jilin to Changchun, passing through Longjia Station. Our trip will take 32minutes covering a distance of 111km and is due to arrive at Longjia Railway Station at 7:11, finally Changchun Railway Station at 7: 22. Wish you a pleasant trip.


各位旅客:本次列车是由沈阳北开往到吉林方向去的D5053次列车,在本站开车的时间是8点48分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5053 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D5053departs from Shenyang North and is bound for Jilin. The departure time is 08: 48 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由吉林开往到沈阳北方向去的D5054次列车,在本站开车的时间是10点30分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5054min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D5054departs from Jilin and is bound for Shenyang North The departure time is 10: 30 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由沈阳北开往到吉林方向去的D5055次列车,在本站开车的时间是18点48分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5055 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D5055departs from Shenyang North and is bound for Jilin. The departure time is 18: 48 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由吉林开往到沈阳北方向去的D5056次列车,在本站开车的时间是16点38分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5056min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D5056departs from Jilin and is bound for Shenyang North The departure time is 16: 38 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由吉林开往到哈尔滨方向去的D112次列车,在本站开车的时间是10点38分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D112 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D112departs from Jilin and is bound for Ha’erbin. The departure time is 10: 38 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由哈尔滨开往到吉林方向去的D114次列车,在本站开车的时间是13点24分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D114 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D114departs from Ha’erbin and is bound for Jilin. The departure time is 13: 24 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由北京开往到吉林方向去的D73次列车,在本站开车的时间是13点40分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D73 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D73departs from Beijing and is bound for Jilin. The departure time is 13: 40 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:本次列车是由吉林开往到北京方向去的D74次列车,在本站开车的时间是10点11分,现在离开车时间还有3分钟,请上错车的旅客和送亲友的朋友抓紧时间下车,以免影响您的行程;请各位旅客按车厢号对号入座; 本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D74 3min before departure
Dear passengers: This train of D74departs from Jilin and is bound for Beijing. The departure time is 10: 11 and there is only 3 minutes left now. All non-passengers leave the train right away so as not affect your trip and passengers aboard please sit by number on the carriage; please voluntarily observe that this is the non-smoking journey, thanks for your cooperation. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由沈阳北开往到吉林方向去的D5053次列车,途经铁岭站、四平站、长春站、龙嘉站。全程走行411千米,运行2小时54分,到达铁岭站的时间是9点17分、到达四平站的时间是10点12分、到达长春站的时间是11点07分、到达龙嘉站的时间是11点19分, 终到吉林站的时间是11点42分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5053 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D5053 from Shenyang North to Jilin, passing through Tieling Station, Siping Station, changchun Station, longjia Station,. Our trip will take 2 hours and 54minutes covering a distance of 411km and is due to arrive at Tieling Railway Station at 9:17, Siping Railway Station at 10: 12, changchun Railway Station at 11: 07, longjia Railway Station at 11: 19,.finally Jilin Railway Station at 11: 42. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由吉林开往到沈阳北方向去的D5054次列车,途经龙嘉站、长春站、铁岭站。全程走行411千米,运行2小时49分,到达龙嘉站的时间是10点51分, 到达长春站的时间是11点02分、到达铁岭站的时间是12点42分,终到沈阳北站的时间是13点19分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5054 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D5054 from Jilin to Shenyang North, passing through longjia Station, changchun Station, Tieling Station,. Our trip will take 2 hours and 49minutes covering a distance of 411km and is due to arrive at longjia Railway Station at 10:51, changchun Railway Station at 11: 02, Tieling Railway Station at 12: 42,.finally Shenyang North Railway Station at 13: 19. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由沈阳北开往到吉林方向去的D5055次列车,途经铁岭站、四平站、长春站。全程走行411千米,运行2小时51分,到达铁岭站的时间是19点17分、到达四平站的时间是20点12分、到达长春站的时间是21点07分, 终到吉林站的时间是21点39分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5055 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D5055 from Shenyang North to Jilin, passing through Tieling Station, Siping Station, changchun Station,. Our trip will take 2 hours and 51minutes covering a distance of 411km and is due to arrive at Tieling Railway Station at 19:17, Siping Railway Station at 20: 12, changchun Railway Station at 21: 07, finally Jilin Railway Station at 21:39. Wish you a pleasant trip.

各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由吉林开往到沈阳北方向去的D5056次列车,途经龙嘉站、长春站、四平站。全程走行411千米,运行2小时48分,到达龙嘉站的时间是16点59分, 到达长春站的时间是17点10分、到达四平站的时间是18点10分,终到沈阳北站的时间是19点26分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D5056 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D5056 from Jilin to Shenyang North, passing through longjia Station, changchun Station, Siping Station,. Our trip will take 2 hours and 48minutes covering a distance of 411km and is due to arrive at longjia Railway Station at 16:59, changchun Railway Station at 17: 10, Siping Railway Station at 18: 10,.finally Shenyang North Railway Station at 19: 26. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由吉林开往到哈尔滨方向去的D112次列车,途经长春站。全程走行357千米,运行2小时30分,到达长春站的时间是11点07分, 终到哈尔滨站的时间是13点08分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D112 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D112 from Jilin to Ha’erbin, passing through Changchun Station. Our trip will take 2 hours and 30minutes covering a distance of 357km and is due to arrive at Changchun Railway Station at11:07, finally Ha’erbin Railway Station at 13: 08. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由哈尔滨开往到吉林方向去的D114次列车,途经长春站。全程走行 357千米,运行2小时30分,到达长春站的时间是15点10分, 终到吉林站的时间是15点54分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D114 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D114from Ha’erbin to Jilin, passing through Changchun Station. Our trip will take 2 hours and 30minutes covering a distance of 357km and is due to arrive at Changchun Railway Station at 15:10, finally Jilin Railway Station at 15: 54. Wish you a pleasant trip.
各位旅客:您好!欢迎您乘坐和谐号动车组列车。本次列车是由北京开往到吉林方向去的D73次列车,途经唐山北站、山海关站、锦州南站、沈阳北站、四平站、长春站。全程走行1114千米,运行6小时56分,到达唐山北站的时间是14点39分、到达山海关站的时间是15点52分、到达锦州南站的时间是16点39分、到达沈阳北站的时间是17点52分、到达四平站的时间是19点10分、到达长春站的时间是20点05分, 终到吉林站的时间是20点36分。本次列车实行全程禁烟,请您自觉遵守,谢谢您的合作,祝您旅途愉快。
Broadcasting announcement for D73 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D73 from Berijing to Jilin, passing through Tangshan North Station, Shanhaiguan Station, Jinzhou   South Station , Shenyang North Station ,Siping Station, changchun Station,. Our trip will take 6 hours and 56minutes covering a distance of 1114km and is due to arrive at Tangshan North Railway Station at 14:39, Shanhaiguan Railway Station at 15:52, Jinzhou South Railway Station at 16:39, Shenyang North Station at 17:52, Siping Railway Station at 19: 10, changchun Railway Station at 20: 05,.finally Jilin Railway Station at 20:36. Wish you a pleasant trip.
Broadcasting announcement for D74 after departure
Dear passengers: Welcome aboard the CRH express train unit. This is D74 from Jilin to Beijing, passing through Changchun Railway Station,Siping Station, Shenyang North Station ,Huludao North Station,Shanhaiguan Station,. Our trip will take 6 hours and 54minutes covering a distance of 1114km and is due to arrive at Changchun Railway Station at 10:40, Siping Railway Station at 11:35, Shenyang North Railway Station at 12:57, Huludao North Station at 14:17, Shanhaiguan Railway Station at 14: 54,.finally Beijing Railway Station at 17:05. Wish you a pleasant trip.

5min before arrival midway
Longjia Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Tieling Railway Station, with a stop of 1minute and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Longjia Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Siping Railway Station, with a stop of 1minute and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Longjia Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Changchun Railway Station, with a stop of 3minutes and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.

5min before arrival midway
Longjia Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Changchun Railway Station, with a stop of 2minutes and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Longjia Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Changchun Railway Station, with a stop of 7minutes and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Changchun Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Changchun Railway Station, with a stop of 15minutes and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Tangshan North Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Tangshan North Railway Station, with a stop of 1minute and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Shanhaiguan Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Shanhaiguan Railway Station, with a stop of 1minute and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Jinzhou South Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Jinzhou South Railway Station, with a stop of 1minute and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Shenyang North Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Shenyang North Railway Station, with a stop of 2minutes and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Siping Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Huludao North Railway Station, with a stop of 1minute and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.
5min before arrival midway
Longjia Railway Station:
Attention, please: the train will soon get in Longjia Railway Station, with a stop of 1minute and the arriving passengers please get ready to alight at the front door before the train stops. It stops for a short time, thus the non-arriving passengers please do not get off so as not to miss the train and affect your tip.

Broadcasting announcement 10min before arrival
Attention, please: the train will arrive at the terminal Shenyang North Railway Station, passengers please take your large luggage ahead of time, check your belongings and get yourselves ready for arrival. We are looking forward to having you here again in the near future, see you next time.
Broadcasting announcement 10min before arrival
Attention, please: the train will arrive at the terminal Ha’erbin Railway Station, passengers please take your large luggage ahead of time, check your belongings and get yourselves ready for arrival. We are looking forward to having you here again in the near future, see you next time.
Broadcasting announcement 10min before arrival
Attention, please: the train will arrive at the terminal Beijing Railway Station, passengers please take your large luggage ahead of time, check your belongings and get yourselves ready for arrival. We are looking forward to having you here again in the near future, see you next time.
Broadcasting announcement 10min before arrival
Attention, please: the train will arrive at the terminal Jilin Railway Station, passengers please take your large luggage ahead of time, check your belongings and get yourselves ready for arrival. We are looking forward to having you here again in the near future, see you next time.

Broadcasting announcement 10min before arrival
Attention, please: the train will arrive at the terminal Changchun Railway Station, passengers please take your large luggage ahead of time, check your belongings and get yourselves ready for arrival. We are looking forward to having you here again in the near future, see you next time.


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