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Dragons are an auspicious divine animal species in Chinese mythology and legend. An embodiment of the quintessence of the rich and profound Chinese culture, Chinese all over the world are proud to be the descendants of dragons. Worship of the dragons as a totem originates from its symbolization of not only auspice, wealth and nobility, but also of the emperor himself and his absolute paramount power.


The Chinese dragon culture is a fusion of various Chinese cultural perspectives developed along China’s long history and passed down through generations till today. Amongst a multitude of literature on dragons, the most descriptive one has to be the well-known “9-likes”: bull-like head, deer-like horns, hare-like dyes, ox-like ears, fish-like scales, serpent-like body, frog-like abdomen, hawk-like claws, tiger-like paws and gong-like howls. Breathing clouds and fogs, they can spit either torrents or flames. Their changeable and mystical features have made them a spiritual host of people’s belief.



As dragons’ descendants, many have crossed mountains and oceans, and are now living and working on a foreign land. For a better life and for the well-being of their descendants, they have worked hard and achieved well. 

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