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"The "Sk?ne" region, in southern Sweden, has in the recent 20 years grown towards Technology and the city Malm? is one of the main Technology centers in Scandinavia.

In the middle of the ecofriendly BO:01 living area stands the "turning torso". Each household has its own?
garbage disposal and every 4th week the sewage is collected and transported to the biogas plant for gasification.
All the buses?in Malm??and many private vehicles run on Biogas.

By 2020, Sk?ne wants to be fossil free. ?The region is optimistic about this goal and renewable energy is already supplyingv45% of the demand.

In 2010, Stockholm was the first city to receive the title "European Green Capital ", in competition with 30 other cities.

Stockholm?is spread across 14 islands and it is the largest city in Scandinavia and also the capital of Sweden.

The?pioneering?eco-city?"Hammarby sj?stad" is a?former industrial area and garbage dump.

Solar energy is used for hot water and household electricity. The food waste is fermented into biogas .?
3- glass windows insulate the houses, lowers the temperature in the summer and?saves heating costs in the winter.?

We met a couple who invited us into their home, all kitchen appliances, they tell us, were already in place when they moved in.

To stimulate innovation and competition about 26 different companies built this area and
"Hammarby sj?stad"?is still growing and there will be?about 25 000 residents?in 2015.

The energy consumption and the garbage increases when the?Cities grow and?to deal with this , Sweden has since the late 1900s started environmental activities for all inhabitants. For instance,() of all aluminum cans are nowadays recycled."

“瑞典南部的斯科纳省*近20来将科技发展作为地区发展重心,马尔默市也发展成为斯堪的纳维亚半岛的主要的科技术中心之一。*的‘旋转中心摩天大厦’ 矗立在生态友好的BO:01生活区中间。 每个家庭都有自己的废物处理设施,通过管道集中收集,每4周收集一次污水,输送到沼气厂进行气化。

到2020年,斯科纳省希望完全消除对化石燃料的使用。 斯科纳省对实现这个目标很乐观,因为目前可再生能源已供应()的能源需求。2010年,斯德哥尔摩从其他()座竞争城市中胜出,成为获得‘欧洲绿色首都’称号的首座城市。斯德哥尔摩由14座岛屿组成,是斯堪的纳维亚*大的城市,也是瑞典的首都。

先锋生态城市哈马碧生态城以前是工业区和垃圾场。太阳能为家庭提供生活热水和日常用电。 厨余垃圾发酵成沼气。房屋采用3层玻璃窗,夏天降低温度,冬季节约取暖费用我们遇到的一对夫妇邀请我们到家里,他们告诉我们,搬到这里时所有厨具都安好了。鼓励26家不同的公司创新和竞争建立此地区,并且哈马碧生态城仍在发展,到2015年大约会有()位居民。

城市的发展会造成能耗和垃圾的增加。为了应对,瑞典自1900年代末就为所有居民开始实践环境活动。 例如,现在所有铝罐的()都循环利用。”

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