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About 4,000 years ago, a nation known as China was located in the east of this blue planet. A man called Da Yu opened a magnificent chapter on flood control for sons and daughters of China.About 60 years ago, it was the beginning of the foundation of new China. Facing ravaged flood in Huaihe River, a great man Mao Zedong issued a great call for “controlling Huaihe River well”.Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's great call, Second Division of Water Conservancy of the People's Liberation Army marched to the front of Huaihe River Governance Area, inheriting the cause of flood control from Da Yu.The glorious flood control army gradually developed into a key water conservancy construction enterprise in Henan --- Henan Water Conservancy No. 2 Engineering Bureau.For more than sixty years of trials and hardships, they struggled in the country across time and space and walked toward the future.The unyielding team and their persistent cause have accomplished a glorious course of Henan water conservancy construction crack force.

The Course of Glory--- looking back upon 65 years of development of Henan Water Conservancy No. 2 Engineering Bureau

Here is China·Zhengzhou, an ancient but youthful metropolis in Central Plains.

Henan Water Conservancy No. 2 Engineering Bureau is located in the city where the sun rises.

Let us turn the wheel of time back to 65 years ago.

In Nov. 1950, the Huaihe River Governance Headquarters was established in Henan Xinyang, which was the predecessor of Henan Water Conservancy No. 2 Engineering Bureau.Over next 10 years, Shimantan Reservoir, Banqiao Reservoir, Baisha Reservoir, Boshan Reservoir, Nanwan Reservoir, Suyahu Reservoir, Zhaopingtai Reservoir, Baiguishan Reservoir and Luhun Reservoir were built and completed one after another.On May 9, 1951, the Central Inspectorate of Huaihe River Governance came to Henan for inspection. The Deputy Head Shao Lizi granted the banner of “controlling Huaihe River well” personally wrote by Chairman Mao to the Henan Huaihe River Governance Headquarters.It was this group of water conservancy professionals that marched in the footsteps of Da Yu in those years, traveling and working in spite of wind and rain, day and night, launched a magnificent man-water war in the Huaihe River Basin.

With loyal heart and selfless dedication, they have built numerous water conservancy facilities and civil building engineering in the Central Plains. For the sake of the people, they dedicated their sweat, wisdom and sincerity.

Ten years of shaping work made a sword famed in a war.The comprehensive governance on Huaihe River Basin brought a great contribution to the economic and social development of Henan and trained a large number of water conservancy construction professionals for Henan Water Conservancy No. 2 Engineering Bureau.。Along with the growth and development of this high-standard professional team, Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau has become one of the large-scale water conservancy construction enterprises with the strongest construction ability and the highest professional standard.

Since then, Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau fought in one place after another,and completed a number of water conservancy projects and reservoir reinforcement projects, including the People's Victory Canal, Yellow River Irrigation Channel at New Sanyizhai, diversion tunnel project at the south bank of the Xiaolangdi, main stream of Huaihe River, Yellow River, Shayinghe River and Jindi River governance projects,which make a great contribution to the national economic development and security of the people's life and property safety.

On Nov. 20, 2007, in the cool autumn breeze with fragrance of chrysanthemum,the office of Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau was moved from Xinyang of Henan to the provincial capital city — Zhengzhou which has long been known as “Traffic Intersection of China” and “Historical and Cultural Heart of the Central Plains” and is the only pioneer zone of airport economy development in China.This landmark event demonstrates that Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau has achieved a giant leap in development platform。from countryside to metropolis, river to land and plan to market, and this water conservancy construction team with glorious history has ushered in a new era of omni-directional and diversified development.With indomitable will to rise abruptly based on its accumulated strength, the Bureau soon has made strong moves on broader platformssuccessively undertaking and participating in numerous national and local key projects including Yanshan Reservoir, Shaguo River Governance, Shizhu Valley Reservoir, Hekou Village Reservoir, Comprehensive Improvement of Yujiang Embankment, etc.In the remarkable Middle Line Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion, the Bureau has won the bidding in 8 main canal projects and 16 supporting projectswith the total amount of contracts of hired work up to RMB 3.4 billion, achieving a breakthrough in the history once again.  

Splendid stage for shiny dancers.Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau, after stepping into the metropolis and new development pattern, has been at the forefront of market economy unwaveringly.In order to speed up the pace of and improve the quality of enterprise development, the Bureau makes full use of its advantages of reputation, technology, management and scale,bringing forth new ideas in management model。cooperating with a number of design companies, service companies, construction companies and commercial banks at home and abroad and establishing strategic partnership with them.

Against the background of rapid development of production and operation, the Bureau increasingly accelerates the pace of enterprise standardization, information construction and delicacy management.Along with the extensive use of enterprise project management system as well as the effective operation of wide area network and management information platform, a large network system incorporating internal office, information distribution and data exchange as a whole has been formed. Within a decade from 2004 to 2013, the Bureau has achieved impressive growth of operating revenue from RMB 200 million to RMB 1.34 billion, and has been repeatedly recognized as “Advanced Construction Enterprise in Henan Province”, “Advanced Enterprise in Construction Safety in Henan Province” and “Excellent Enterprise in Water Conservancy in Henan Province”. In 2007, it was awarded the honorary title of “National Outstanding Water Conservancy Enterprise” by the Ministry of Water Resources;especially the project of Yanshan Reservoir built by the Bureau has successively won China’s highest prize for construction engineering quality — “Luban Award”.

Duck first knows the warmth of river water in Spring.。Upon the arrival of the tide of market economy, Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau took the lead in getting out and became the enterprise which went abroad earlier in Henan Province.1。On Jan. 15, 1977, Guinea Irrigation and Water Conservancy Restoration project was started and became the ice-breaking journey of the Bureau to go abroad.For nearly 40 years since then, the Bureau has undertaken nearly 100 water conservancy projects in Nepal, Guinea, Mauritania, Vietnam and other countries,which has not only helped to shape the excellent character of Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureaubut also provided the capital accumulation to this water conservancy construction enterprises in a transformative stage for marching towards the market.

From ship borrower at sea to international powerful bureau, from one project in one country to regional market project cluster,Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau has created a wider path in the international project contracting market.

Today, when we look back to the internationalization development history of Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau,we can still clearly see this ambitious enterprise’s big dreams in its growth.

Through optimization of industrial structure as well as transformation and upgrading of enterprise,Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau sets foot on a new journey of development,becoming a diversified corporation taking domestic and overseas engineering construction as primarily and covering many business domains including building construction, highway, substation, subgrade and foundation treatment, environmental engineering construction qualification, foreign cooperation, etc.,and becoming a water conservancy construction enterprise in Henan Province。which has experienced great sorrows and trials and then has risen from the ashes, turning into a shinning star both in the domestic and international markets.

As if the roc flies with the wind up to the highest heavens,half a century of the tempering and 65 years of cultural accumulation give the Bureau powerful wings. More than 1,600 employees of Henan Water Conservancy No.2 Engineering Bureau will firmly hold high the banner of Henan water conservancy, surpassing the historical height, renewing the future space and soaring into a wider sky.

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