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Slide 1Welcome to this product overview of Kaspersky Systems Management. 


Slide 2Kaspersky Systems Management is a security configuration management solution, designed for Windows-based networks. The solution is made up of a number of elements that reduce risks posed by endpoints. These include central deployment and management of operating systems and applications, centralized configuration and patch management of endpoints, the ability to implement network admission control – to keep unwanted endpoints at bay. The goal of systems management is to increase both IT efficiency and security. Let’s take a look at how this can be achieved with Kaspersky Systems Management. 

卡巴斯基系统管理是一种安全配置管理解决方案,专为基于 Windows 的网络设计。 该解决方案由多个部分组成,可降低端点面临的风险。 这些部分包括对操作系统和应用程序进行集中式部署和管理,对端点进行集中式配置和补丁管理,以及实施网络准入控制 – 阻止不需要的端点。 系统管理的目标是提高 IT 效率和安全性。 让我们看看如何通过卡巴斯基系统管理实现此目的。

Slide 3Administrators can deploy new operating systems and applications to the endpoint, from an image library that they create. When new machines are purchased, they can be quickly enabled with the correct software, ensuring the endpoint is quickly ready for use with minimal effort. When new operating systems are available, they can also be deployed, vastly reducing the effort required during a migration process – say from Windows 7 to Windows 8. 

管理员可从其创建的映像库将新的操作系统和应用程序部署到端点。 购买新计算机后,它们可以配备正确的软件快速启用,确保只需*少的工作量即可快速准备好端点,使其可供使用。 有新操作系统可用时,也可对其进行部署,从而大大降低迁移过程中所需的工作量 – 比如,从 Windows 7 迁移至 Windows 8。 

Slide 4Timely patch distribution is an important element of system maintenance, particularly in conditions when IT security threats are growing fast. 

Kaspersky Systems Management detects vulnerabilities in software and the operating system. Once detected, it offers the ability to deploy patches that will bring such software to a secure state. This process can be completely automated, or an administrator can review a vulnerability report and manually deploy patches as necessary. WSUS patching, for Microsoft Windows based systems, is also supported. The efficient implementation of this feature helps to reduce network utilization while distributing patches and decrease the number of update servers required. This significantly reduces costs of infrastructure and maintenance. 

It regularly synchronizes data on available updates and hotfixes with Microsoft’s Windows Update servers, and automatically distribute them on client machines across the corporate network.

Patches for other third party software, such as custom applications written for the business, can also be deployed.

Traffic can be optimized with patch deployment through scheduled distribution, so updates could be deployed during the night. KSM also supports Multicast technology, reducing the amount of traffic that such updates require when being sent across the network. 

及时的补丁分发是系统维护的重要部分,特别是当 IT 安全威胁快速增长时。 

卡巴斯基系统管理检测软件和操作系统中的漏洞。 一旦检测到漏洞,它就可部署补丁,从而使此类软件进入安全状态。 此过程可完全自动化,必要时,管理员也可审查漏洞报告,并手动部署补丁。 此外还支持 WSUS 补丁修复,WSUS 适用于基于 Microsoft Windows 的系统。

它定期将有关可用更新和热修复程序的数据与 Microsoft 的 Windows Update 服务器同步,并自动在整个企业网络的客户机上分发这些更新和修复程序。


通过定时分发可以优化补丁部署的流量,因此,可在夜间部署更新。 KSM 还支持多播技术,从而降低通过网络发送此类更新时所需的流量。 

Slide 5KSM provides a wide range of tools to administrators. These include the ability to use the 揥ake on LAN? feature of machines to power them up and down. Administrators can access remote desktops via a secure tunnel, formed between the console and the endpoint. Changes to hardware and software can be monitored and reported on. New applications can be pushed to the endpoint, as well as updating and patching any existing applications.

KSM 为管理员提供了各种工具。 这些工具包括使用计算机的“局域网唤醒”功能开机和关机。 管理员可通过在控制台和端点之间形成的安全隧道访问远程桌面。 可监控并报告硬件和软件的更改。 新应用程序可推入端点,且可更新和修补任何现有应用程序。

Slide 6An important feature of Kaspersky Systems Management is Hardware, Software and License Control. 

The software inventory provides visibility and control of what software is deployed across the corporate network. Using the software registry, the administrator can control the software usage, inform end users that the application is not allowed or even block the application launch.

Kaspersky Systems Management collects information about the software used on the network. It can also control license usage with the software inventory. This helps to control currently licenses by the number of nodes and even expiration date. Coupled with powerful reporting capabilities, administrators can ensure they remain within licensing agreements.

Endpoint devices can be automatically discovered by Kaspersky Systems Management and placed into the hardware inventory. This allows administrators to identify any hardware in use, or alert when hardware is changed or added. 


通过软件清单,可查看并控制在企业网络中部署了哪些软件。 通过使用软件注册表,管理员可控制软件使用,通知*终用户不允许使用应用程序,甚至阻止应用程序启动。

卡巴斯基系统管理收集有关网络上所用软件的信息。 也可通过软件清单控制许可证的使用。 这有助于按节点数量甚至到期日期及时控制许可证。 结合强大的报告功能,管理员可确保其始终符合许可协议。

卡巴斯基系统管理可自动发现端点设备,并将其放入硬件清单。 这使管理员可识别任何使用中的硬件,或在硬件更改或添加时发出警报。

Slide 7Deploying applications and updates can be an intensive process and easily bring a network to its knees, saturating available bandwidth and slowing normal business operations. This is more common when companies have remote offices. With Kaspersky Systems Management, you can select a machine to be a 搑emote agent?. It will receive the package to be deployed and distribute it across its local network as configured. The machine used as a remote agent can still be used as a normal desktop computer, so no dedicated hardware is required. 

部署应用程序和更新可能是一个消耗大量资源的过程,很容易使网络中断、可用宽带饱和,并减缓正常的业务运转。 如果公司有远程办公室,这种情况便更为常见。 借助于卡巴斯基系统管理,您可选择某台计算机作为“远程代理”。 远程代理将接收要部署的程序包,并根据配置在其本地网络上分发此包。 用作远程代理的计算机仍可用作正常桌面计算机,因此,无需专用硬件。

Slide 8Network Admission Control adds a further layer of protection against unwanted and unknown endpoints that connect. Trusted machines will always be allowed onto the network, but those which are unknown can be immediately barred from accessing resources. In addition to this, a captive portal can also be enabled. Users who connect unknown machines can be directed to a web portal, where they can enter credentials issued by an administrator. This allows guest machines, or companies that embrace employees/contractors to 揵ring their own desktops?, to use network resources. Even though they are on the network, they will work with an access policy configured by the administrator. 

网络准入控制增加了额外的防护层,以阻止接入的不需要的端点和未知端点。 受信任的计算机始终可以连接至网络,而未知的计算机将立即受到阻止而不能访问资源。 此外,还可启用强制登录门户。 连接未知计算机的用户可定向至 Web 门户,他们可在其中输入管理员发放的凭据。 这使得来宾计算机,或要求员工/承包人“自带桌面”的公司可使用网络资源。 即使他们已连接网络,仍可按照管理员配置的访问策略进行工作。

Slide 9Kaspersky Systems Management offers wide reporting functionality, which includes:

Centralized reports that are easy to access, powerful and customizable based on business needs.

Automated reporting, that ensures reports can be delivered and archived by email or in a dedicated folder, as configured by the administrator.

It also reports on vulnerabilities and patches, with precise identification of which workstations failed to deploy patches and associated troubleshooting, giving quick visibility of software security posture. 

Kaspersky 系统管理提供广泛的报告功能,包括:




Slide 10In summary, Kaspersky Systems Management blends endpoint security management and security configuration management, to provide additional, tightly integrated layers of protection from targeted attack and complex threats. It centralizes endpoint management and operations via a single pane of glass. It frees administrators to spend more time on business focused tasks. The solution especially suits small and medium size companies, due to its out of the box deployment and easy management capabilities. It can optimize or even reduce IT costs. 

总而言之,卡巴斯基系统管理融合了端点安全性管理和安全配置管理,提供额外的、紧密集成的分层保护,以抵御针对性攻击和复杂威胁。 它将端点管理和操作集中在一个面板屏幕中进行控制。 它让管理员摆脱琐碎事务,将更多的时间用在以业务为重的任务上。 此解决方案开箱即可部署,管理功能简单易用,因此特别适合中小型企业。 它可优化甚至降低 IT 成本。

Slide 11Thank you for your time and attention. 




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